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Your technical guide to purchase-to-pay automation in SAP

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It's time to steer your P2P automation project to success. You know the benefits of automating your purchase-to-pay processes, but do you have a high-level understanding of the technology and how it integrates with your SAP system? Grasping technology basics is key to cruising through meetings with your IT committee, vetting vendors and ultimately driving change in your organization.

This technical guide will cover:

  • Capture technologies, like mobile, cloud-based, OCR, and Intelligent Capture
  • Automatisation des flux de travail
  • SAP integration
  • Robotic process automation
  • SAP-certified, end-to-end purchase-to-pay solutions from Tungsten Automation

Use this technical guide, created especially for users of SAP, to outperform in your purchase-to-pay automation project.




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