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Étude de cas

Adecco achieved 98% invoice accuracy with Tungsten

Recruitment giant Adecco processes tens of thousands of invoices every week, so time and accuracy are business critical. In our latest case study, read how Tungsten Network helped Adecco achieve 98% invoice accuracy and significantly reduce delays during the payment process.


invoice accuracy


staff invoicing needs

Fewer Delays

protects cashflow

Greater Visibility

throughout the process

I hear nothing from my team about Tungsten – that means it’s working well. The job of my team is to tightly balance our cashflow. It’s mission critical. Tungsten enables us to achieve this.
Elisabeth Doppelhofer
Interim Head of Shared Services

For a business processing tens of thousands of invoices every week, time is critical, and Tungsten’s customer service team supports Adecco where others can’t. As Elisabeth Doppelhofer, Interim Head of Shared Services at The Adecco Group explains, “other suppliers don’t offer a dedicated account manager. You have to go to a help desk and hope someone responds! If you have a delay of two or three days on invoices worth £1m or £2m, that has a big impact on your cash flow. We’re in recruitment and pay our workers every week. Therefore, we need to be able to bill our customers as quickly as possible to recoup those funds. A billing delay of one week on 25,000 invoices has a huge impact.”

For a business processing tens of thousands of invoices every week, time is critical, and Tungsten’s customer service team supports Adecco where others can’t. As Elisabeth Doppelhofer, Interim Head of Shared Services at The Adecco Group explains, “other suppliers don’t offer a dedicated account manager. You have to go to a help desk and hope someone responds! If you have a delay of two or three days on invoices worth £1m or £2m, that has a big impact on your cash flow. We’re in recruitment and pay our workers every week. Therefore, we need to be able to bill our customers as quickly as possible to recoup those funds. A billing delay of one week on 25,000 invoices has a huge impact.”

The Adecco Group Logo

Meet Adecco

The Adecco Group is the world’s leading talent advisory and solutions company. With a belief in making the future work for everyone, it enables more than 3.5 million careers every day. It skills, develops, and hires talent in over 60 countries, enabling organisations to embrace the future of work. As a Fortune Global 500 company, Adecco leads by example, creating shared value that fuels economies, and builds better societies. For a business processing tens of thousands of invoices every week, time is critical, and Tungsten’s customer service team supports Adecco where others can’t.

As Elisabeth Doppelhofer, Interim Head of Shared Services at The Adecco Group explains, “other suppliers don’t offer a dedicated account manager. You have to go to a help desk and hope someone responds! If you have a delay of two or three days on invoices worth £1m or £2m, that has a big impact on your cash flow. We’re in recruitment and pay our workers every week. Therefore, we need to be able to recoup those funds. A billing delay of one week on 25,000 invoices has a huge impact. “We’ve found that, with Tungsten, we don’t have to credit and rebill if there’s an error. This saves time and effort, and it’s so efficient. Time spent on the Tungsten account is minimal, as always we have all the information we need at our fingertips.”

The Adecco Group

