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Tungsten Automation Intelligent Automation Benchmark Study

The business workflows companies are automating

You know you have to automate otherwise your company will fall behind. But when you can automate almost any workflow, which ones should you prioritize?

Read the study to find out:

  • WHICH workflows top companies are prioritizing for automation
  • WHY top companies believe it's urgent to automate now
  • HOW you'll benefit from digital workflow transformation
Télécharger les rapports

The Tungsten 2022 intelligent automation benchmark study: The race to digital transformation

Join us for this on-demand webinar, where we, discuss key take-aways from the study and steps you can take to propel you further on you digital transformation journey.
Executive insights from automation innovators
Get real-world perspective from industry peers and deep data analysis curated from our international survey.
Executives 800
Secteurs d'activité 21
Secteurs d'activité
Countries 10
Foundation Home Loans
“One of our main goals was to empower our existing team to spend more time adding value to our customers, and that’s exactly what Tungsten has helped us to achieve.”
Julie Hood
Project Manager, Foundation Home Loans
University Hospitals
One of our early projects was related to the transfer of patients between facilities and then documenting it. Patient transfer was a manual activity and we saved quite a bit of time by automating it. As the pandemic took hold, we started to look into capacity issues and found that automation freed up staff and yielded the time needed to improve the quality of patient care.
Robert Duber
Process Automation Manager, University Hospitals
Intelligent automation in action
Discover more automation success stories from leading enterprises.
Blurred Motion

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