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Deutsche rentenversicherung has automated its incoming mail, freeing up resources for important new tasks

The three primary drivers that prompted Deutsche Rentenversicherung to upgrade to Tungsten TotalAgility from eFlow were the pursuit of enhanced stability during peak workloads, a desire for more autonomy in addressing change requests, and a focus on fostering innovation. Since the introduction of the new automated document processing system, the team has benefited from a stable solution, efficient support and a partner that values further development.

DRV's extensive workflow requires numerous branches, loops and integrations with additional systems. Employees only have to manually process about 6% of cases; the rest is carried out entirely automatically. Other departments are now planning similar upgrades.

50 %

shorter processing time


automated incoming mail processing


in employee motivation by adapting tasks

Thanks to TotalAgility, we've been able to reassign some of our classification team employees to other tasks, so they can realize their full potential.
Ronny Stein
Head of Scanning and Projects, DRV Rhineland-Palatinate, Speyer


As a regional provider of statutory pension insurance, DRV Rhineland-Palatinate employs 2,200 people. They look after 1.5 million insured persons and 80,000 employers and pay out 642,000 pensions in Germany and abroad.