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Rabobank is 'growing a better world together' with automation for banking

Video: Head of robotics center of excellence discusses automation and the importance of citizen developers

Meet Rabobank

Rabobank is a cooperative bank. There are almost ninety local Rabobanks in the Netherlands, which each operate with a high degree of independence so they can better serve their customers and local communities. Rabobank also has sizeable international banking operations. They focus on international business and rural activities in general and on the Food and Agri sector in particular.

It's really important that our employees can focus themselves on the work they really need to do. They very often are doing manual repetitive work which isn’t contributing anything to the real customer value. We want to make the employee more valuable for the company, but also for our customers. And in that way, we have a double success.
Steven van Uffelen
Head of Robotics Center of Excellence, Rabobank
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