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How automation has kept Ron Finemore transport at the forefront of innovation

Video: General Manager of Technology and Innovation uses RPA to solve the problem in their business

Meet Ron Finemore Transport

Ron Finemore Transport operates as a family business on the eastern seaboard of Australia. They have about 300 prime mover or tractor units operating in the business, about 700 trailers, and operate principally from regional areas into capital city or capital city to capital city line-haul services. They work for major retailers and manufacturers, principally in the food and fuel distribution sector.

Ron Finemore Transport
In 2020, our business processed nearly 980,000 status updates back into the business, which was a significant increase on the previous year. We believe that the RPA processes about 30 times quicker than a human can do the same task, and we are actually getting information in almost real time. We believe we’ve saved anywhere between $800,000 and $1 million in overhead [since implementation].
Darren Wood
General Manager of Technology and Innovation, Ron Finemore Transport
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