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solar panel for alternative energy, Dust-free workshop.
Étude de cas

US Manufacturer Boosts Security and Drives Down Costs with ControlSuite


Waste and Cost Reduction


Print Security


Employee Productivity and Efficiency

This leading U.S. consumer packaging manufacturer embarked on a green initiative to reinforce sustainability and reduce waste in its operations. They were challenged with the large volumes of paper used in their centralized copy center and they surfaced security risks of unattended sensitive documents.

Read this case study to learn how Kofax helped the organization to:

  • Decrease the footprint of printers
  • Reduce waste and costs
  • Ensure document security
We would definitely recommend ControlSuite Equitrac, and we’d be happy to demonstrate it to someone considering it. We’re early on in the process, but so far, we’re very happy with it.
IT Application Manager, US Manufacturer


Kofax ControlSuite
Kofax Equitrac


Print Management
Document Security
Secure Print Release