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Étude de cas

Marginalen Bank Harnesses Automation to Shrink the Cost of Compliance

8 Hours/Day

Saved by automating security checks


Key business processes streamlined


Compliance accelerated by rapid, automated reporting

Know-your-customer (KYC) controls are crucial for banks to ensure regulatory compliance and minimize risk of fraud, but manual processes can reduce efficiency and raise costs. Marginalen Bank is using Kofax RPA™ to automate due diligence security checks on all loan applicants—saving 16 hours of manual work per day.

"Kofax RPA has transformed our KYC process. With a Kofax RPA robot performing fraud detection checks, we can rest assured that any high-risk loan applicants will be flagged instantly."
Thomas Holmstrom
Solutions Manager, Marginalen Bank

About Company

Marginalen Bank offers online and telephone banking to 200,000 customers across Scandinavia. Founded in 2010, the bank employs 300 people and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.



Automatisation robotisée des processus Kofax


Robotic Process AutomationKnow-Your-Customer (KYC)Compliance ManagementCustomer OnboardingFraud PreventionWeb Data ExtractionGDPR