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HMI Performance Incentives Drives Loyalty Program Engagement with an Easy Claims Process

91 %

Faster Claims Submission, Reducing Friction


Increase in Claim Activity, Driving Engagement

90 %

Revenue Boost, Enhancing Loyalty Program Outcomes

Loyalty programs are a powerful way to foster engagement—and HMI Performance Incentives aims to help its B2B clients achieve this goal. To inspire more customers to engage with its clients’ rewards programs, HMI Performance Incentives enhanced its OnDemand Engagement Platform with intelligent automation from Tungsten: empowering customers to submit their proof of purchase using a smartphone camera.

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About HMI Performance Incentives

Headquartered outside Boston, MA, HMI Performance Incentives is a global leader in designing and managing sales and customer incentive solutions. With nearly 40 years of experience in the performance improvement industry, HMI Performance Incentives builds programs geared to help boost profit margins, increase customer or employee engagement and capture market share.


  • Mobile Data Capture
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Claims Processing
HMI Performance Incentives
“To drive up participation and boost the performance of the [Polyglass rewards] program, we looked for a way to deliver a seamless experience for every participant.”
Lincoln Smith
Chief Strategy Officer,HMI Performance Incentives
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