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Étude de cas

Williams Roberts Lawyers Enhances Visibility and Control of Costs with Kofax


Granular insights into costs


Accuracy of billing calculations


Full transparency to clients

Disbursement costs are a significant component of legal billings, and tracking them accurately is crucial for firms like Williams Roberts Lawyers to maintain healthy margins. To deliver fine-grained visibility into the true cost of serving its clients, the firm uses Fuji Xerox multifunction printers with a cost recovery solution based on Kofax Equitrac.

“Because of the accuracy that Kofax Equitrac provides us, we can now offer clients realistic fixed fees and bill with peace of mind.”
Tony Cavar
Finance Manager

About William Roberts Lawyers

William Roberts Lawyers is a mid-sized legal firm headquartered in Sydney, Australia. With additional offices in Melbourne, Brisbane and Singapore, William Roberts Lawyers provides legal services in dispute resolution, litigation, and personal, commercial and property transactions.



Kofax eCopy
Kofax Equitrac


Cost recovery
Automatic client disbursement cost allocation