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Étude de cas

Stater Enhances Mortgage Services with Fast, Automated Customer Payments


Payments to customers

Frees up

Staff from routine tasks


Risk of error and fraud

Mortgage service provider Stater is developing a mobile app that allows customers to submit claims for home renovation and construction expenses, anytime and anywhere. Using Kofax Mobile Capture™ and Kofax Transformation™, the new solution accelerates payouts from five days to one day, putting money into customers’ hands faster, boosting productivity and reducing risk for Stater and its partners.

We expect the Kofax solution to considerably reduce the cost, effort and risk associated with existing paper-based processes.
Matthijs Schouten
Business Consultant, Stater

About Stater

Stater is the largest mortgage service provider in the Netherlands, managing around one million loans for approximately one million customers. The company covers more than thirty percent of the country’s entire mortgage market, and offers an end-to-end service



Kofax Mobile Capture

Kofax Transformation


Claims Forms Processing