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Étude de cas

Leading Health System Gains Agility with Analytics


Patient information in real time for better care


Actionable insights immediately vs 30 days post fact


Across departments drive better resource utilization

There’s a saying in business that what gets measured gets improved. Nowhere is this idea more critical than in a hospital, where improvements can save lives. A leading integrated healthcare system in the U.S. is taking bold steps to generate real-time data about what’s happening with patient care. It’s using Kofax Insight™ to deliver intelligent data to the nurses who tend to patients, supervisors who watch over the nursing staff and executives responsible for overall quality of care.

"With monthly reporting, you find the problem and come up with a solution, but it’s three months later before you actually see a benefit. Real-time reporting and analysis with Kofax Insight has allowed us to be far more agile and proactive.”
Data Solutions

About Company

A leading integrated healthcare system in the U.S. is taking bold steps to generate real-time data about what’s happening with patient care. Kofax Insight is delivering intelligent data to the nurses who tend to patients, supervisors who watch over the nursing staff and executives responsible for overall quality of care.


Kofax Insight


Healthcare – Business and Process Intelligence