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Davies Turner Transforms Customer Service with Real-Time Stock Insights

100 %

Of shipments tracked without adding more staff


Minutes to set up a new bot


Bots in production

Freight forwarding and logistics specialist Davies Turner transforms customer service with Tungsten RPA™️. Automated inventory and order tracking provide customers with on-demand insights into stock and shipments, and help teams work more productively—enabling the company to take on more business without increasing headcount.

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  • Data Aggregation
  • Web Data Extraction
  • Automatisation robotisée des processus


Davies Turner is an international freight forwarding company based in the UK. Founded in 1870, the company specializes in shipping and logistics for land, sea and air freight, as well as warehouse management and distribution services.


Tungsten RPA is very powerful; the things it can do seem almost limitless, and there really doesn’t seem to be anything that Tungsten RPA can’t integrate with!
Emma Curzon
Senior Business Analyst, Davies Turner
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