Dans le paysage numérique actuel à l’évolution rapide, un traitement efficace des documents est plus critique que jamais. Les bibliothèques de documents intelligentes et leurs modèles d’extraction pré-entraînés sont essentielles pour répondre à cette nécessité. Elles offrent des capacités avancées qui transforment en un processus rapide et automatisé l’extraction d’informations cruciales à partir de documents communs, une tâche manuelle et chronophage. Découvrons comment ces bibliothèques fonctionnent et en quoi Tungsten Automation change la donne.
Bibliothèque de documents intégrée et basée sur le cloud dans TotalAgility
We previously announced our latest release, TotalAgility 8, and all the great advancements we’ve added with generative AI. Included in this release is the integrated cloud-based document library. This library serves as a centralized repository containing hundreds of pre-trained extraction models tailored for common document types across various industries – ranging from bank statements and utility bills to paystubs, tax forms and more -- ready to seamlessly incorporate into your existing workflows. These models can be customized with your unique business insights, creating a solution that’s both powerful and personalized, all while avoiding the time-consuming task of developing new models.
The document library is dynamically updated with new models—such as those for IDs, passports, and shipping documents—on an agile basis, ensuring you always have access to the most current tools.
Our latest models and enhancements:
- International Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Designed to standardize the extraction of crucial information from safety data sheets that describe products, potential hazards, and required safety measures. While layouts can vary by manufacturer, our model standardizes the extraction of critical information.
- Country-specific IDs: Our models now cover IDs specific to regions including Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and the USA.
- Passports: Comprehensive model capabilities for passports from any country, along with IDs from additional countries not previously listed.
- International Commercial Invoice: Improved accuracy in extracting dates, invoice numbers, and other critical fields.
- International Bill of Lading: Enhanced extraction of ports, weights, goods descriptions, and beneficiary details.
- USA Paystubs: Improved extraction of earning rates even when displayed in different formats.
- Logistics Documents: Including Air Waybill, Certificate of Origin, Dangerous Goods Declaration, European Export Accompanying Document (EAD), International Consignment Note (CMR), Packing Lists, Sea Waybill
- IRS Tax Forms: Our updates to forms like 1040 Schedule C, 1099 DIV, 1099 G, 1099 NEC, and 1099 SSA have significantly heightened extraction accuracy and confidence across various fields.
We've also taken pragmatic steps to ensure the utmost data security, allowing businesses to use these models with confidence. These features provide businesses with instant access to pre-trained extraction models, significantly streamlining document processing to an unprecedented level of ease and efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits.
La puissance des modèles pré-entraînés
L’intégration de la bibliothèque de documents dans TotalAgility 8 offre des avantages intéressants et substantiels pour améliorer les flux de travail des processus métier critiques :
- Rapid Deployment: Gain a competitive edge with immediate access to out-of-the-box models, enabling automatic field population and reduced setup time.
- Workforce Optimization: Boost efficiency and productivity by relieving your staff from repetitive development tasks, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives.
- Effortless Integration: The ease of dragging and dropping these models into your workflows makes advanced data extraction accessible to users at all skill levels.
- Data Precision: Achieve the highest levels of accuracy and reliability in your data processing, essential for informed decision-making and superior customer service.
- Continuous Innovation: Stay at the forefront of your industry with access to a regularly updated collection of pre-trained models suitable for a wide range of document types and sectors.
Gagnez du temps, créez plus de valeur
Avec TotalAgility 8 et sa bibliothèque de documents intégrée et basée sur le cloud, les entreprises n’ont plus à créer leurs propres modèles de A à Z, gagnant ainsi un temps considérable. Il ne leur reste qu’à apprécier la simplicité et la puissance des modèles d’extraction pré-entraînés, avec en plus la possibilité de les améliorer et les adapter à leurs préférences. À la clé, des grains de temps et de ressources pour les entreprises, l’offre accélérée de valeur à leurs clients, la réduction du coût total de possession, et un accent mis sur les résultats. Encore une raison supplémentaire de passer à TotalAgility 8.
Discover more about how TotalAgility 8 can transform your document processing by watching our on-demand webinar: Unveiling TotalAgility 8: How to Become More Agile, Insightful & Action-Oriented with Generative AI.
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