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Webinaire à la demande

Universal Print from Microsoft and Kofax - Expect Great Things!

Universal Print on Microsoft 365 (in preview) transforms print into a cloud-based simple, easy experience for IT teams and employees. Kofax ControlSuite actively manages, secures and governs virtually every aspect of document information distribution via printing, scanning, routing and storing throughout the enterprise—across any combination of hybrid systems, technologies and devices, including MFPs, PC desktops, mobile, email and web capture. Combined, Universal Print with ControlSuite will offer even more value to help organizations work like tomorrow—today.

Join Kofax and Microsoft for a webinar to learn more about our partnership and how our solutions work together.

  • An overview of Universal Print
  • Kofax's integrated features and capabilities that add value in key areas of your buiness

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the combination of these exciting solutions.

To continue learning more about Universal Print from Microsoft, enroll for private Print Preview session here.




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