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Webinaire à la demande

Data Loss Prevention for Your Print and Capture Workflows

Think of all the documents you and your colleagues touch in a single day—both physical and digital. Your business runs on the information in those documents. But how are you managing and protecting that data from inadvertent or deliberate exposure?

In IT, you need more than traditional print management. That means software that “understands” the content of the printed or scanned document—and automatically takes action to apply business rules to that document to ensure the data is secure. All without human intervention. It is especially important to secure network printing, scanning and faxing capabilities as part of an overall data loss prevention (DLP) strategy.

Watch this 40 minute webinar to learn more, including how “content-aware” print and capture can also identify inappropriate printing of information, automatically redact keywords or patterns (like credit card numbers), provide reports that improve auditing trails, and more.




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