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Webinaire à la demande

Webinar: The Evolution of Intelligent Automation and its Impact on the BPO Sector

Intelligent automation—it’s gaining traction for its many benefits and rightly so. Increased profits, cost- and time-savings for back office processes and better service to customers, just to name a few.

But the question remains: What is the best way to capitalise on the market opportunities for the BPO sector today and position your operations for future success?

Watch this on-demand webinar to:

  • Hear practical examples of managing governance challenges in the contract and operational phases of process automation
  • Learn how intelligent automation capabilities such as RPA, analytics and process orchestration can transform operations and enhance customer service.
  • Gain expertise through a live Q&A with Swiss Post Solutions and Bloor Research on best practices for adopting a professional, structured approach to BPO in your organisation

Our speakers include:

Paul BevanResearch Director, IT Infrastructure
Bloor Research

Charles Parrington-TylerDirector Client Management, Insurance
Swiss Post Solutions




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