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Webinaire à la demande

Putting the Customer First with Intelligent Automation

According to, 92% of knowledge workers collaborate over documents via email―and document challenges account for over 21% employee productivity loss.

Discover how Foundation Home Loans (FHL), provider of mortgage asset management services in the U.K., implemented a digital-first platform by leveraging Kofax intelligent automation to manage assets, mortgage processing and investor advisory services.

In this webinar, you’ll learn from FHL’s experience:

  • Which operations and processes to automate and how they were selected
  • How to get executive buy-in to obtain consensus and funding
  • What were the results and lessons learned
  • Looking to the future and what’s next in FHL’s automation journey

Also hear from Everest Group on how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) supports digital transformation, based on its research.

Learn from this real-life case study and from Everest Group’s deep industry expertise, so you are better prepared to drive new automation successfully throughout your organization.

Expert Speakers:  George GeeCustomer Services and Collections Director, Foundation Home Loans Sarah BurnettExecutive Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Everest GroupDermot McCauleyVice President, Platform Product Marketing, Kofax 






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