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AIIM 2021 state of the intelligent information management industry

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The ongoing tidal wave of incoming information which began in 2020, threatened organizations' ability to realize their long-standing digital transformation goals. This rising volume of information is made even more complex by the increasing variety of information types that must be managed. Most of this information is of the pesky unstructured variety – i.e., content.

  • Organizations expect the volume of information coming into their organizations to grow 4.5X over the next two years.
  • They expect more than 57% of this information to be unstructured (like a contract or a conversation) or semi-structured (like an invoice or a form).

The convergence of these twin forces—information volume and information variety—creates information chaos and makes true digital transformation so challenging.

Download this report created in partnership with the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) to learn how to develop a project roadmap for building an overall intelligent information management strategy.




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