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Mondelēz International achieves 92% on time payment

By applying a vigorous, methodical approach to finance transformation, Mondelēz rapidly made their invoicing more efficient despite the complexity of the business.

500 000

économisés la première année

85 %

Taux de STP

54 %

des fournisseurs ont adopté la facturation électronique

After first partnering with Tungsten Network in 2012, Mondelēz International took a targeted approach in 2016 by implementing a central, outsourced, and global straight-through processing function to streamline its accounts payable processing. The aim of this initiative was to consolidate its shared services to address the unnecessary complexities caused by having disparate supply chain functions and service centres, to deliver an end-to-end integration and bridge the gap between the company and its suppliers.

Télécharger l’étude de cas


  • Full electronic invoicing adoption
  • de traitement direct
  • On-time payments

About Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world. We're leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as Oreo, Ritz, LU, Clif Bar and Tate's Bake Shop biscuits and baked snacks, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate.

Mondelēz International

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