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Étude de cas

Arrow Lets the Data Flow with Automated Procurement Processes

3 Minutes

Cut from order processing workflow


Of person hours saved per month


Supplier relationships

Arrow sought to help its customers create innovative new products, but found that manual quote and invoice processes were preventing it from achieving this objective. By implementing Kofax RPA™, Arrow achieved better integration with suppliers, shortened cycle times, assured data accuracy and increased satisfaction levels for customers and employees.

"We expect to save hundreds of hours per month of manual work to process special quotes and invoices—with shorter cycle times, data accuracy and increased customer and employee satisfaction."
Wolfgang Fischer
Senior Division Manager eCommerce

About Company

Arrow Electronics is a global provider of products, services and solutions to industrial and commercial users. Located in Neu-Isenburg, Germany, Arrow is a supply channel partner for more than 100,000 original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers and commercial customers through a global network of more than 460 locations in 58 countries.



Automatisation robotisée des processus Kofax


Digital Transformation
Invoice Processing
Robotic Process Automation