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The New Power PDF Mobile: Anywhere, Anytime

Introducing the new Kofax Power PDF Mobile app

With the gold-standard functionality of our desktop applications for Windows and Mac in mind, we bring forth a way to access, navigate and customize PDFs to assist the diverse needs of a mobile workforce on the go. With support for more than 20 languages and a jam-packed feature set that keeps you connected to your documents, it's a simple and cost-effective way to upgrade your mobile device's functionality.

Kofax Power PDF Mobile

Consultez, modifiez et signez des PDF où que vous soyez

Obtenez Kofax Power PDF Mobile gratuitement

Google Play App Store
Accédez à un large éventail d'outils d'annotation dans la couleur, la taille et les formes de votre choix
Complétez votre flux de travail numérique avec des signatures électroniques, apposées au doigt ou au stylet
Parcourez les PDF avec des méthodes familières et efficaces grâce aux signets, à l'affichage des vignettes et à la fonctionnalité « Aller à la page »
Accédez rapidement aux PDF et consultez-les à partir de votre appareil mobile

Transform the Way You Think About Work on the Go

Easily open PDF files from your company's remote cloud storage server or your own device's local memory, and then:

  • Offer feedback, suggest changes or leave notes for yourself with all the markup tools you'd expect from a non-mobile device.
  • Highlight, underline, strikethrough and leave comments before syncing the file back to the cloud for other teams to consider.
  • Utilize built-in signing capabilities to sign documents with your stylus or fingertip.

No matter where you are or what work you do, Power PDF Mobile is the tool you need to get the job done quickly. Download the app and experience the difference firsthand.

Business man texting on mobile phone at airport on business trip using cellphone texting sms message on smartphone app - young businessman commuter lifestyle panoramic banner.