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Transform Workflows with Intelligent Document Processing

What is intelligent document processing? This exciting technology powered by artificial intelligence opens the door to automating content-intensive workflows.



Intelligent document processing is one of the most powerful tools available today for managing and classifying unstructured data at an intersection of today's AI and automation tools. From initial capture to OCR, NLP, data classification and separation, and eventually integration into other processes, IDP has untold transformative power for your document workflows. Explore why intelligent document processing is important for the modern business and discover what it can do for offices at any scale today.

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What is Intelligent Document Automation? 

The Next Generation of Tools 
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IDP Processes Documents Like Humans Do

What is intelligent document processing? These platforms use advanced software to do more than turn scanned papers into digital documents. The “intelligence” comes from the software’s ability to learn from unstructured data and determine how best to classify and integrate it into your systems. IDP unifies workflows surrounding paper and digital documents from all streams, including PDFs, emails, other digital text, and newly-scanned documents.

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IDP Leverages AI and Machine Learning Advances

With advanced natural language processing (NLP), IDP uses machine learning networks to “understand” how to classify different forms of data. Consider an accounts payable department that receives invoices in dozens of formats, some digital, some not. Without IDP, a human needs to carefully read and extract this data. With IDP, your computer systems can identify the different parts of an invoice even when fields move and change from vendor to vendor.

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Categorizing Structured and Unstructured Data

IDP enables businesses to work with structured data more quickly and extract better outcomes from unstructured data. Consider the mailroom that uses IDP tools to automatically sort incoming correspondence to the correct desk or an automated expense account approval process that reads receipts and authorizes reimbursements according to specific rules.

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Advanced Automated Document Separation 

Some documents may contain pages with data or formats that vary from page to page. IDP learns to classify these pages as discrete forms before automatically separating documents into relevant groups. For example, IDP can classify the many portions of a loan application and group them for more efficient extraction into the appropriate business systems.

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Integration with Broad Business Systems

IDP isn’t just about classifying electronic documents and dumping them into the proper folders. These tools can intelligently route extracted data into other systems, including CRMs and ERPs, to enable broader automated workflows. Extraction steps already performed at a high level of fidelity earlier in the process contribute to cleaner data and improved outcomes further down the pipeline.

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A Foundation for Intelligent Automation

The future of business will be built on intelligent automation, the processes and tools that use AI to augment human capabilities, reduce errors, and speed up operations. Intelligently processing documents with NLP and machine intelligence is a fundamental element of IA.


What is the Difference Between OCR and IDP?

Going Beyond Basic Character Recognition
Business people work conference and meeting in modern office

OCR Only Relates to Capturing Data

Optical character recognition or OCR focuses on recognizing the characters on a page and extracting that information into a useful format. OCR is an essential element of IDP, but it is only one part of the extraction process.

Business People Discuss Graph Document

OCR Can Struggle with Unstructured Data

Rules-based RPA tools that rely on OCR can face difficulties when document formats change or when handwriting is unclear or ambiguous. Intelligent processing uses deep learning on substantial data sets to “know” how to handle these variations, producing cleaner data with fewer errors. Improved data quality through IDP contributes directly to better outcomes for the humans working with outputs from these systems.

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IDP Involves Automated Decision-Making

Based on its training data and the directives provided by human developers, IDP can move, transform, and make decisions based on the documents it analyzes. OCR cannot.

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IDP Interconnects with Other Systems

OCR is a method for outputting digitized data, but IDP lets users define workflows involving complex steps and data transformations based on the document’s contents. Rapid data classification and subsequent separation into different applications enable better, faster results in many processes and improve customer experiences.

Core Benefits

The Core Benefits to Businesses

Why IDP is an Essential Element of Future Success

Improve Processes from End to End

Streamline document intake from all paper and digital channels and improve the speed of digitization, classification, and actioning. Remove tedious steps from document workflows and take steps towards a more paperless office environment.

Enhance Data Privacy and Simplify Compliance

Define strict compliance rules that AI-powered processes will always follow. Automatically detect when a document has sensitive data and apply security settings touchless in a controlled environment with a verifiable audit trail.

Reduce Reliance on Error-Prone Manual Work

Reduce human manual processes and rededicate skilled labor to more high-value tasks supported by accurate data. Enjoy repeatably high accuracy and lower error rates with document processes that learn and improve.

Generate Clear Daily Savings

Positively impact the bottom line by saving time, reducing the need for re-processing paperwork, and ensuring that the right teams and systems have the information.

Speed Up Your Document Processing Times

Drastically reduce the amount of time a document takes to land on the appropriate desk or to receive approval necessary for another process step.

Solve Complex Problems in Unstructured Data

Approach problems traditionally considered unsolvable with manual processes and discover hidden inefficiencies. Don’t underestimate the impact of better data extraction on processes that rely on relevant, accurate information.

Industry Benefits

What Industries Benefit from IDP?

Who’s Using IDP Technologies Today?

IDP in Banking and Financial Services

With so many decisions based on intelligence from documents, banking and finance benefit immensely from IDP. Consider an automated mortgage application processing tool, know-your-customer compliance and more. 

IDP in the Insurance Sector

Automate portions of claims management by generating insights from customer-supplied documents and back-end correspondence. Generate faster, better results for customer-facing applications and improve your reputation.

IDP in the Medical Field

Ensure strict document controls for HIPAA compliance by automatically classifying and storing records that contain sensitive patient data. Set security levels to restrict some staff but not authorized personnel or manage back-office supply chain data and invoicing.

IDP in Manufacturing

Better track data from dozens or hundreds of suppliers and stay on top of an invoicing process that becomes increasingly complex with time. Identify bottlenecks in back-office processes and develop solutions to break past them. 

Right Tools

Finding the Right Tools for Effective IDP

How Kofax TotalAgility Changes the Game

What is Intelligent Process Automation?

The intersection between traditional automation tools and advanced machine learning applications is IPA or intelligent process automation. Kofax TotalAgility enables IPA to realize savings, work faster, and solve bigger problems.

TotalAgility Delivers Innovative Process Tools

Cloud-enabled, capable of connecting to a vast array of business systems, and featuring built-in RPA and analytical tools, TotalAgility is the complete package. Engineer entirely new workflows and build your competitive edge.

Industry-Leading Accuracy in OCR and IDP

Achieve clear gains with virtually unmatched accuracy and reliability in the platform’s character recognition and language processing capabilities. These attributes make TotalAgility a clear favorite when others ask, “who are the top intelligent document processing vendors?”

Scale with Ease to Tackle Any Task

Today’s automation demands might not be tomorrow’s. Prepare for the process of scaling by choosing tools that have the built-in power and capabilities to handle large volumes of documents.

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Garantie de remboursement à 30 jours

Tungsten Automation offre une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours du prix d'achat de tous les produits sous licence individuelle achetés sur, à compter de la date d'achat. Ne concerne pas Power PDF Advanced Volume (for Enterprise).