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country-icon Bulgarie


Categorisation of ‘large’ taxpayers

Categorisation of taxpayers is often a means for governments to impose varying degrees of compliance obligations on taxpayers. Typically, taxpayer categorisation manages the process of phased implementation when countries implementing country e-invoicing mandate. The size and capability of different taxpayers to meet compliance obligations often means that a piecemeal, rather than ‘big bang’ approach for the imposition of compliance obligations is often a favoured approach for governments who are considering how to disseminate compliance duties on taxpayers.

The Bulgarian National Revenue Agency has introduced a new consideration for taxpayers to fall within the ‘large’ categorisation, effective 1 January 2024.

The previously determining feature to qualify as a ‘large’ taxpayer was based on contribution to budget. However, this has now been extended to also consider their annual turnover.

Taxpayers in Bulgaria will be classed a large taxpayer if their net revenue from sales exceeds BGN300m.

These adjustments are typically motivated by the need for equitable taxation and for accurate identification of taxpayers.

Bulgaria is a compliant territory for Kofax. You can read more about e-invoicing in Bulgaria here.

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