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Shot of businesspeople working late in an office
Livre Blanc

Overcoming Challenges in AP Automation

Accounts payable automation presents unique challenges. It is characterized by large volumes of data, arriving in different formats and media that must be securely received, accurately interpreted and entered into financial systems. Transactions within the process may require discrepancy resolution, accounting coding, approvals, and settlement.

End-to-end automation tames this disorderly process and unleashes information about every aspect and dimension. This positions finance to manage the process to achieve specific outcomes, such as capturing all discounts, paying suppliers on time, meeting commitments on internal service levels and costs, and providing higher value-added services.

Download this whitepaper now and learn how to achieve AP department goals. For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.




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