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Female Doctor Wearing Scrubs In Hospital Corridor Using Digital Tablet
Livre Blanc

Document Healthcare Solutions: Security Made Easy

Did you know that according to American Identity Group 39.2% of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) breaches in 2019 were attributed to unauthorized access?

As hospital administrators you are challenged each day with ensuring your patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) is accessible to only those who are authorized to see it. How can you do that? What are some of your most vulnerable areas?

Even with the implementation of EMRs, healthcare organizations still manage volumes of paper. Some healthcare organizations are surprised to learn that printers, scanners, and fax machines can pose a significant risk for data breaches.

At Kofax we take the safety of patient information seriously. Get our “Security made easy” whitepaper to learn recommendations for addressing security vulnerabilities with printing, scanning and faxing.

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