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female doctor sitting in modern office
Livre Blanc

Secure the Healthcare Environment

Extend Intelligent Automation to Modern MFDs

In healthcare, MFD systems are highly connected and each day process vast amounts of sensitive information contained in electronic health records. Although healthcare organizations keep a watch on costs, staying in compliance with patient privacy laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and mitigating risk are their leading priorities.

With document workflow automation, Kofax ControlSuite securely protects EHRs from exposure—whether inadvertent or deliberate. Download this white paper and learn how to:

  • Protect healthcare data and maximize security
  • Ensure compliance and data governance
  • Visualize scan, copy and print activity, highlighting usage patterns
  • Transform print and capture workflows across the organization
  • Extend the power of mobile capture and secure mobile print
  • Deliver a consistent, intuitive user experience




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