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Webinaire à la demande

Why Now is the Time to Embrace Accounts Payable Transformation

As companies reel from the impact of COVID-19 on their in-office work staff and the need to shift to a 100% work from home model, accounts payable departments are struggling to maintain a fluid "business as usual" approach to manage their invoice processes in a time and cost-effective manner. Insuring business continuity with a fool-proof AP process is critical, as accounts payables directly affects cash outflow and vendor and employee satisfaction.

In this webinar, special guest Shirley Hung from the Everest Group, and Kofax will discuss how organizations can, and should, take steps now to shift to a digital accounts payable environment to achieve both immediate and long-lasting benefits, and ensure business continuity in any circumstance.

Watch this webinar recording to find out:

  • What’s driving today’s need for AP Automation
  • The results organizations can expect to achieve from AP Automation
  • Methods for implementation and key technology levers to consider
  • Operating models for success

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.




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