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What’s New in Kofax TotalAgility 7.10?

The release of Kofax TotalAgility 7.10 adds new capabilities enabling professional and citizen developers to work more effectively and efficiently.

What’s New in Kofax TotalAgility 7.10

New and improved features of Kofax TotalAgility include:

  • Enhanced artificial intelligence: Deliver automated continuous improvements in accuracy, with no human intervention, for separating large batches of documents—one of the most demanding document processing tasks.
  • Improved low-code development: Easily define, acquire and verify the documents needed for content-intensive workflows. New capabilities also accelerate the development process by making it easier for professional and citizen developers to manage workflows, generate documentation, move projects between environments with a single click, and create and run cases.
  • Upgraded visibility and insights: A new digital workforce management console provides real-time insights into activity across deployment, allowing administrators to quickly identify and address any issues or tune the system to optimize future performance.
  • Integrated cloud platform: Choose your preferred cloud of choice (Kofax Cloud, Private Cloud, Google Cloud, Azure or AWS).

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