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Webinaire à la demande

The Promise of RPA: Forbes Insights & PwC Share Findings

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the essential technology for automating manual, repetitive activities that are central to your business—largely because RPA’s impact on processes and ability to generate ROI is high, while required collaboration with IT and cost of ownership are low. But automation goes beyond eliminating the repetitive “hand work” of acquiring, entering and integrating electronic data. An intelligent automation toolbox consisting of high-impact technologies—from RPA to cognitive document automation to business process automation and process intelligence—is the key to the future of work. 

In this webinar, Forbes Insights will present findings from a global survey of 300 companies on how leading organizations are transforming their business through automation. From its expertise in the field, PwC will share the five keys to automation success and peek into an ideal automation toolbox.You will learn:

  • Where RPA offers the most promise for reinventing business processes
  • What mix of technologies offer the fastest time to value with the least disruption
  • How to measure ROI beyond the bottom line

For more information, call our United States office at +1(949) 783-1448, or contact a local office around the world.




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