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Webinaire à la demande

Office Hours: The Power of Low Code & No Code in Digital Workflow Transformation

How to Actually Achieve End-to-End Automation at Scale

Digital workflow transformation is dependent on empowering your employees to solve business problems with the power of low-code and no-code capabilities. Accelerate productivity, efficiency and ROI by giving your innovators and non-technical business users modern capabilities to deploy task automation, build workflows and process documents.

Access this on-demand webinar to learn how to:

  • Empower your teams with a low code experience to solve business problems and scale innovation across the organization.
  • Go beyond robotic process automation (RPA) to design, build and scale digital workflows faster than ever before.
  • Reduce development costs and accelerate automation deployments.

Topics include:

  • Understanding Low Code vs. No Code
  • Investment Areas in Digital Workflow Transformation
  • Kofax RPA Demo
  • Kofax TotalAgility® Demo
  • Kofax SignDoc® Demo




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