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Office Hours: Discussing Digital Transformation Strategies

Join us for a 30-minute virtual panel discussion between three business leaders as they explore how organizations can be innovative in maintaining business continuity, especially during this challenging period.

Attend this virtual panel to learn:

  • How digital transformation initiatives should evolve/pivot to bring continued value to the business during this time period
  • How terms like ‘omnichannel’ and ‘Intelligent Automation’ practically translate into business continuity and better interactions with customers
  • Digital transformation technologies that should be part of every leading company’s priority ‘tool kit’ during this period—above and beyond office productivity tools and communication platforms
  • How and where to get started right now

This conversation will focus on how digital transformation strategies might evolve during this period to ensure they continue to bring benefit to the business. We’ll get practical concerning how omnichannel experiences and automation come together to help organizations continue to deliver for their customers, especially in a world where remote interaction will become the foreseeable ‘new normal’.




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