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Beautiful curly female freelancer with cute manicure using laptop and smiling. Indoor portrait of blonde secretary sitting beside coworker in blue shirt.
Webinaire à la demande

The Three Secrets One Athleisure Pioneer Uses to Supercharge Its Automation Journey

Automatisation des factures dans le cloud

Learn how the director of shared services for a global retailer leveraged the power of technology and connected systems to break free of manual processes and the status quo.

Follow this famous athleisure company’s journey toward its vision for the future in this edition of our Office Hours webinar series. Join this webinar to get a unique look into the secrets of their success and how the partnership with Kofax AP Essentials™ and Coupa Software supercharged the automation journey.

  • Leverage automation to increase on-time payments and gain visibility into transactions
  • Identify challenges, navigate the technology landscape and realize results
  • Partner procurement and AP with integrated systems for real-time access to data




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