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Webinaire à la demande

The Kofax 2022 Intelligent Automation Benchmark Study: The Race to Digital Transformation

Want to know more about how end-to-end workflow automation can benefit your organization? In partnership with E.I Studio, the custom division of Economist Impact, we’ve surveyed 800 executives in 21 industries and 10 countries, asking them about their automation pain-points, priorities and plans.

Chances are your organization has certain workflows you’d love to automate. Maybe quite a few. But with limited resources, which ones take priority? Which workflow will give you the biggest bang for the buck? You’re not alone in asking those questions. This study details companies’ intelligent automation ambitions, challenges and outcomes AND where your peers are focusing their attention when it comes to workflow automation.

Join us for this on-demand webinar, where our executives, Kathleen Delaney and Chris Huff, discuss key take-aways from the study and steps you can take to propel you further on your digital transformation journey. You’ll learn:

  • Which workflows top companies are prioritizing for automation
  • Why top companies believe it's urgent to automate now
  • How you'll benefit from digital workflow transformation




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