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Tungsten OmniPage CSDK for windows

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View this recorded webinar to check out the core OCR engine enhancements and other features in Tungsten’s SDK that’ll make your life as a developer even easier. 

Join Nicholas Litwinetz, Tungsten sr. sales engineer and Michael Vincent, Tungsten marketing director as they present examples of how you can benefit from these product capabilities:

  • OCR accuracy improvements – 67% improvement in alphanumeric string recognition
  • Java API – in addition to existing C/C++ and C#/VB .NET APIs
  • Screen capture OCR optimization – pre-processing algorithms enhanced to handle screen capture OCR
  • Expanded PDF support – PDF 2.0 (ISO 23000-2) support, new PDF manipulation methods and PDF super-compression (MRC)
  • Barcode recognition enhancements – Improvements to 1D/2D and QR barcode recognition

This webinar shows you how OmniPage Capture CSDK technology enables your organization to stay ahead of the competition. 

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