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Webinaire à la demande

How Can Intelligent Automation Help Businesses Win The Race On Customer Experience?

We all know we need to deliver a superior customer experience—one that’s streamlined, consistent and offers more self-service options.

The foundation of a good customer experience—whether it’s with a doctor’s office, bank, mortgage lender or insurance company—is a streamlined and automated process. The goal is to connect documents, people and systems to automated processes and deliver that exceptional experience we strive for. Intelligent process automation of critical customer engagements can help elevate CX in such areas as customer onboarding, mobile ID/verification, claims processing, online/self-service and e-document delivery.

Watch this webinar featuring Achim Granzen, Principal Analyst at Forrester, a case study of Hiroshima Bank, and Greg Crowl, Director of Sales Engineering at Kofax, to hear:

  • The key role that intelligent automation can play for an organization’s ability to transform customer experiences.
  • How intelligent automation can turn unstructured information into actionable insights and reduce time to response in digital workflow processes.
  • How to deploy intelligent automation at scale.




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