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Man having a business meeting and signing a contract, recruitment or agreement.
Webinaire à la demande

Driving Customer and Employee Demand With Digital Transformation

Join Kofax, ABN Amro and IRPA for this webinar as we discuss how the ability to meet customer demand by delivering personalized services and tailored products is a critical success factor—and increasingly important in a fast-paced digital world. We’ll explain how companies can reimagine operations that start with the customer experience and work back into the delivery models and underlying technologies. You’ll learn:

  • How companies must focus equally on the employee and customer experience to win out in the digital economy
  • How technology companies must shift their mindset from delivering B2B products to creating a frictionless and delightful B2C-like experience
  • How understanding the employee and customer journey helps drive the right mix of investments in cloud, SaaS, low code and other enterprise automation platform capabilities
  • How sustained scalability is only achieved from a bottom-up employee demand surge once the B2B enterprise automation software has proven it can be implemented, developed and deployed with little friction




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