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Software engineers developing applications together in office
Webinaire à la demande

Annual Scalable IA 2022

Realizing IA Value: A Panel Discussion

Listen to this on demand panel discussion from the recent Scalable IA Online Event and hear from world-class Intelligent Automation experts as they discuss the goal of scalable IA- not only to ensure that tools can handle spikes in workload and expand scope of usage- but establish one, enterprise-wide approach to implementing, leveraging and capturing value from automation.

Listen to our recorded session ''Realizing IA Value: A Panel Discussion'' with:

  • Sudhanshu Sawlani - Head of Robotics & Intelligent Automation, ING
  • Adam Field - Sr. Vice President, Technology Strategy & Experience, Kofax, Inc.
  • Charles Mulinder, Head of Change Investment Solutions & Services, Fidelity International

We discussed:

  • Debt: Recognizing the fact that true technical debt is being amassed at present
  • Talent & Technology: Utilizing internal talent or outsource to test complex technology
  • Value: Ensuring that the true value of cognitive computing lives within your human enterprise

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