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Group of People Meeting With Technology
Webinaire à la demande

Webcast Replay: A Radical Transformation: How AI Is Revolutionizing Touchless Invoice Processing

Panel Discussion

In this webinar, you will learn how artificial intelligence and machine learning are shaping electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) and bringing us closer to touchless e-Invoicing capabilities.

  • Learn to see through the hype and marketing jargon surrounding AI
  • Explore how modern tech capabilities make the invoice process as automated as possible
  • Learn how your invoicing process can benefit from machines doing the work

Panel Speakers:

Paul Bartley, Chief Operating Officer, Global Business Services, Odfjell Drilling
Hyusein Arabadzhiev, Process Owner BTC and PTP, Whirlpool
Carlo Peretti, VP, Finance – Global Director Business Shared Services Programs, LafargeHolcim
David Sentongo, Director, Commercial Product Management, Kofax




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