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Webinaire à la demande

451 Research Webinar: Merging Robotics, Documents and Process to Digitally Transform Business

70% of organizations are in the midst of plans to digitally transform the way they conduct business for more process efficiency, reduced cost, optimized customer experience and competitive advantage. Experiences not price or products will be the battleground of the future. But where to begin? Robotic Process Automation promises to automate repetitive, manual tasks normally done by humans. Cognitive Document Automation provides related benefits, but for documents and emails – typically a challenge for RPA. Together, RPA and document automation deliver the one-two punch that organizations need to succeed in their digital transformation initiatives. Join us to understand how RPA and document automation work together to automatically and efficiently acquire, understand and deliver content in critical business processes.

Watch the playback of this 60-minute webinar hosted by 451 Research where we examine:

  • The state of Leaders and Laggards of Digital Transformation
  • Business benefits of RPA and Cognitive Document Automation
  • Applying software platforms for common use cases




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