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Tungsten KTA helps HSBC simplify invoice reconciliation process

Cash management solution for banks

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In a banking institution, the term cash management refers to the day-to-day administration of managing cash inflows and outflows. The ultimate goal of cash management is to maximize liquidity and minimize the cost of funds. In business, it is a key aspect of an organization's financial stability.

Banks offer cash management Services to their corporate clients to enable them to quickly identify receivables against the relevant customer and contract, keep track of funds held across multiple bank accounts, and use all of this information to forecast future cash flow that helps to inform decisions that relate to meeting payment obligations, investments, as well as the repatriation of dividends.

Hear from Tungsten Automation customer, HSBC on their Receivables Management Solution through this interview with International Data Corporation (IDC), HSBC and Tungsten Automation. Find out how Tungsten KTA solution helps HSBC simplify the invoice reconciliation process for their corporate customers across Asia Pacific.

That's a collaboration. There are a number of backend systems in HSBC, which has got the financial information and we collect information from the payer and our customer. But the Tungsten Automation system comes in in terms of machine learning, technology that we are implemented as part of this, that enables us to enrich the data with which straight-through processing is possible.
Vengadasalam Venkatachalam
Head of Product Management, Global Payments Solutions, South East Asia, HSBC




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