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Young Female Government Employee Wearing Glasses Uses Tablet in System Control Center. In the Background Her Coworkers are at Their Workspaces with many Displays Showing Valuable Data.
Rapport sur le secteur

The Kofax 2020-21 Intelligent Automation Benchmark Study Part 3

Intelligent Automation Platforms Accelerate Digital Workflow Transformation Success

As organizations navigate increased global economic uncertainty, an imperative emerges—to drive a high degree of business agility and resiliency that allows them to respond to rapidly accelerating challenges, crises and business opportunities.

This new Kofax-commissioned study, the final part of a three-part series conducted by Forrester Consulting, focuses on how to achieve these goals. The study emphasizes digitization as a business imperative that can be attained through a focus on:

  • Rapidly gaining insights from unstructured data (document intelligence)
  • Orchestration of multiple automation solutions and human activities from a central platform (process orchestration)
  • Connecting disconnected systems digitally (connected systems)

The study also reveals high-value workflows organizations are focused on in their digital transformation journeys, including finance and accounting, customer engagement and operational workflows.

Learn more by downloading this study today.




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