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Rapport sur le secteur

Forbes Insights: Accelerate Business Value with Intelligent Automation

Few technologies have driven more of a workforce revolution than intelligent automation. Today’s challenge is about improving the customer and employee experience, enabling automation tools to operate alongside humans and free them to focus on higher-value work. Intelligent Automation is the next-generation RPA platform that includes workflow orchestration, mobile capture, analytics, eSignature and digital messenger.

Forbes Insights surveyed over 300 senior executives around the world and asked how and where they’re transforming their businesses with enterprise automation solutions, as well as the benefits—and barriers—to doing more.

In this Forbes Insight study, you will discover:

  • How to assess the value and impact of enterprise automation
  • What to consider when getting started with Intelligent Automation
  • Best practices for realizing the full benefit of automation across your organization

Download your copy of the report today >




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