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Group of people in the conference center. This is entirely 3D generated image.
Rapport sur le secteur

Kofax Named a Market Challenger in the Ovum Decision Matrix

Kofax RPA is a leader in the document capture market…Large enterprises should consider Kofax RPA along with the leading RPA vendors, especially for document-centric, end-to-end process automation use cases. ─Ovum

The Ovum Decision Matrix has named Kofax to its Market Challenger category for being a strong performer in terms of robotic process automation (RPA) technology.

According to Ovum, Kofax has a “balanced RPA offering, a good end-to-end automation proposition, and a strong footprint in the large enterprise segment.”

Read the report to learn more about why Ovum recommends Kofax RPA be considered as part of RPA technology selection due to its

  • Good market position and established, substantial customer base
  • Good price/performance proposition
  • Competitive technical functionality and sound architectural foundation
  • Progressive product and commercial strategy

Download the report now.




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