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Rapport sur le secteur

IDC Analyst Report

2022 IDC Manufacturing Supply Chain Findings & Implications Report

IDC surveyed 1080 North American, European and APAC companies of various sizes across the manufacturing and retail industries to understand what challenges companies were most up against, with specific reference to the supply chain.

It also explored the progression of supply chain transformation and the use of modern, digital technologies.

Key takeaways are:

  • Lack of supply chain resiliency continues to be the top gap of concern for manufacturers.
  • Almost 70% of manufacturers are focused on improving supply chain agility and all saw it as a top priority.
  • Two thirds of manufacturers surveyed are focused on improving visibility.
  • AI will be the most important technology in 3 years.

As organizations increase investments in AI, technology such as Kofax’s hyper and intelligent automation help tap into benefits that will enable you to save time and money, and improve customer experience by automating labor-intensive processes across the business.

Download the report to explore the supply chain challenges manufacturers are facing, their current priorities, the drivers of change.




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