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Everest Group PEAK Matrix for IDP Technology Vendors 2021

A focus on Kofax

Kofax Positioned as an IDP Leader

The report recognizes Kofax’s strengths in the following areas:

  • Everest recognizes the value our total platform delivers, offering not only IDP, but also RPA and BPM/orchestration capabilities
  • Our expertise in using artificial intelligence and machine learning to understand semi-structured and unstructured documents
  • Kofax is the highest-ranking vendor for “Market Impact”, a measure impact in the market in terms of market adoption, diversity of customer base (across industries, business functions, geographies and enterprise class size), and value delivered
  • Our expertise in key industries, including being a top provider in 5 of the 6 major industries Everest identifies as key for IDP providers. More than any other vendor.
  • A top provider in 5 critical business functions, including Kofax-targeted areas like Finance, Insurance, and Healthcare
  • Flexible deployment options, including SaaS, public/private cloud, and on-premises
  • Feedback from our customers, citing our ease of integration with other business systems such as SAP, Salesforce and Microsoft applications
  • Further positive feedback from customers indicating the flexibility of our platform and ease of use for citizen developers
  • Support for global customers, with over 200 languages for extraction and seven languages for the user interface
  • Mobile application support for capture and extraction
Kofax provides a broad-based intelligent automation solution encompassing IDP, RPA, process orchestration, process discovery, and analytics.
Everest Group PEAK Matrix for IDP Technology Vendors 2021




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