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3 Keys to Supply Chain Transformation

Change Makers and Tungsten Optimized Supply Chain Industry

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The recent turbulent and volatile times have put supply chain networks under scrutiny. It has revealed their weaknesses and flaws. In 2021, Gartner reported that 87% of organizations were planning to increase their investment in supply chain resilience and automation over the following two years. Organizations have been forced to fortify their supply chains.

3 Keys to Supply Chain Transformation

Yet, despite this significant investment, successful transformations at scale are difficult. However, supply chain automation brings a priceless opportunity to get it right. As a senior executive, how will you ensure your organization succeeds during this vital transformation?

This industry whitepaper examines three key areas vital for success:

  • Rethinking the Chain
  • Automating to Thrive
  • The Challenge Ahead

Read this industry report to learn how your peers are optimizing their supply chain.

In 2020, our business processed nearly 980,000 status updates back into the business, which was a significant increase on the previous year. We believe that the RPA processes about 30 times quicker than a human can do the same task, and we are actually getting information in almost real time. We believe we’ve saved anywhere between $800,000 and $1 million in overhead [since implementation].
Darren Wood
General Manager of Technology and Innovation, Ron Finemore Transport




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