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Améliorer les soins grâce à un accès rapide aux informations essentielles en matière de santé

To improve healthcare experiences throughout the loddon mallee region of victoria, australia, bendigo health aimed to empower its clinicians to make well-informed care decisions faster. Through document scanning and workflow automation solutions, the organization can now deliver data to its medical staff at the touch of a button.


Paper records digitized


Clinical records delivered daily


Patient care experiences

Meet bendigo health

Employing 4,000 people, bendigo health is a regional health service in the state of victoria, australia. The organization treats 51,000 inpatients, triages more than 57,000 emergency attendees and delivers more than 1,500 babies each year. Bendigo health’s 724-bed hospital services are complemented by 11 operating theatres, an 80-bed psychiatric inpatient unit and a 20-bed intensive care unit, as well as community and mental health services across the region.


Bendigo Health
Depuis que nous avons remplacé la gestion manuelle des documents par un processus hautement automatisé, notre équipe médicale accède aux informations importantes plus vite que jamais.
Julie Ritchie
Responsable des services de gestion des informations de santé, Bendigo Health