Faster Travel-Expense Management
High User Satisfaction
Red Dot Design Awards Won
Beyond Digital Business takes the hassle out of travel expense accounting. With help from UDIT GmbH and Kofax, the company launched Xpense2Cash—a mobile app that accelerates expense management workflows by 75 percent, freeing staff to focus on value-added tasks instead of filling out forms.
About Company
Beyond Digital Business is a future-oriented IT specialist based in Germany. Its focus is on harnessing digital workflows to automate manual processes and boost productivity. Beyond Digital Business delivers mobile apps that transform administrative processes. Its flagship product is the award-winning Xpense2Cash app, which enables smart travel expense accounting using artificial intelligence.
Kofax Capture
Kofax Mobile Capture
Kofax Mobile Capture SDK
Kofax Transformation
Travel Expense Management
Data Capture
Process Automation
Plus de solutions Kofax
Tungsten Capture
Tungsten Capture traite la numérisation de contenus et l’intègre directement aux flux de travail et systèmes incontournables de votre entreprise, tous lieux confondus. Numérisez et indexez des documents structurés ou non afin d’accélérer le retour sur investissement.
Tungsten Mobile Capture
Photo de pièce d'identité, paiement de facture, etc. : autant d'opérations accessibles à vos clients sur leur téléphone avec Mobile Capture.