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Tungsten Power PDF lockup on textured background

How to Merge Two PDF Files: Step-by-Step Guide

A key advantage to working with digital document formats is their flexibility. Whenever you want to make a change, a few quick clicks and some menu options are usually all you require. Adding, removing, or changing content are all simple. However, when you work with PDF files, the format might not seem as simple as other formats, such as Word documents. With a PDF, even a merge might seem complex.

Solutions for these issues are essential. Users regularly encounter a high volume of PDF documents in an enterprise setting. These files may contain anything from invoice information to personnel data or operational facts and figures. They could be employee training guides or documentation for in-house software and workflows. With the frequency of encountering these documents, having the appropriate tools to work with is essential.

Let’s consider typical examples. Say you need to merge PDF files so that the content of both documents exists in a unified file. You could engage in a tedious and frustrating workflow involving copying the content of each page individually. Then, you could recreate them in a new document.

That’s simply not the best way to merge a PDF. It’s slow and prone to errors. However, with editing software such as Tungsten Power PDF, you can combine PDF files in a few simple steps, making quick work of this task.

How to Combine PDF Files

With Power PDF, combining multiple PDF files in Windows or macOS is so easy that completing the task can take less than a minute. There are several ways to accomplish this. Here are two ways to approach the issue based on need and preference. First, a method for combining open documents:

  1. Open all the files you wish to merge in Power PDF. These are displayed in individual tabs.
  2. From the Home menu ribbon, locate and click Create.
  3. Click Combine All.
  4. The Combine Files window appears. Use this box to set the order in which to merge the documents to maintain your preferred page order.
  5. Click start. Power PDF will combine the documents into one complete output file.

Alternatively, you can also combine files without opening individual documents. Here’s how:

  1. Select Combine Files from the Home tab.
  2. Click Add. Navigate to the file folder with the PDFs you need to merge.
  3. Select all your source files simultaneously.
  4. Save the new combined PDF to the destination folder of your choice.

You can then use Power PDF’s built-in Document Assembly tool to rearrange pages as needed or save your document to complete the process.

Using Document Assembly as a PDF Merger

Document Assembly isn’t only for rearranging page order in a big PDF file. It can also be a PDF combinerwith drag-and-drop functionality. This feature makes working with multiple documents with numerous pages effortless. To combine documents using this method, follow these steps:

  1. Open a document in Power PDF as your “main” file for merging and assembly.
  2. Locate the Pages section on the Home ribbon. Click Document Assembly to open the multi-page display.
  3. Right-click on any portion of the Document Assembly pane and select Insert Pages.
  4. Open the PDF file in the dialog box. Power PDF inserts the entire document into the space indicated. Repeat as needed for additional documents.
  5. When finished, close Document Assembly and save a new copy of your file.

You can also select non-PDF files during the insert pages step. Power PDF will automatically convert the source file into PDF pages and insert them in the designated area. Move or delete pages as needed to achieve your outcome.

Advanced Document Manipulation Made Simple

Power PDF enables much more than combining documents on Windows or Mac. You can also enjoy a complete suite of industry-standard PDF editing tools with advanced functionality built for business users. Users across industries benefit from these features. Legal professionals, healthcare providers and many others rely on Power PDF daily.

A few of the notable features you’ll find include:

  • Enterprise-level security tools, including AES-256 encryption, public key cryptography and secure digital signature workflows for legal enforceability.
  • Easy-to-use tools for creating new PDFs, re-arranging pages, adding new content and converting to other common (and uncommon) file formats.
  • Permission-based restrictions for secure offices, including print restrictions, password prompts upon opening and more.
  • There is potential for integration of generative AI tools for document summarization, querying, and more.

Discover the full suite of features available in Power PDF today.

Adding Power PDF to Your Arsenal Is Easy

Power PDF features flexible licensing solutions, from volume licenses to a one-time payment for the most current version. It is an excellent resource for those needing a faster way to work on PDFs, from merging documents to converting files.

Avoid trying to edit a PDF and merge it with other files when you can solve the problem in just a few clicks. Choose a proven business solution today and explore how easy it is to use Power PDF. Download a free 15-day trial to explore all these features firsthand and see how Power PDF can transform your work.

We know PDFs can be critical to your individual or business needs.

Find the PDF solution that’s right for you